Does coaching really work

Let me put it this way, if it did not, there would be no coaches,
and the industry would be shrinking instead of growing.
Simple logic, yes?

Typical Meaning of life coaching

One of the definitive texts on coaching defines it as “a healthy, positive, and enabling process that develops the capacity of people to solve today’s business and personal problems. Touching people’s spirits and rekindling what deeply matters to them is what coaching is all about."Thomas Crane, author of Heart of Coaching,"

History of life Coaching

Until the late 80's, there were some people who would go to see either a psychotherapist or an analyst to help them overcome a specific problem such as giving up smoking or beating depression.
It was soon discovered that a lot of these “patients” didn’t have a “condition”– they just felt that their lives were a little off balance. Some therapists started to deal solely with these clients and this branched off into a new industry know as Life Coaching.

A Typical Coaching Session:

There are no "typical" coaching sessions, because it is up to the coach and the client to work together to create a positive and conducive atmosphere of growth. One that allows a client to achieve what he or she needs to so that they may move forward, and that both client and coach may constantly learn and grow.
You can have your coaching session in the comfort of your house, your office or even your local café. Session may also take place online, as long as you believe it a safe environment.
During a session, a life coach may set a number of rules in order to facilitate a specific situation, always based on his or her client's needs.

Our School of Coaching: (RSCI)

An ordinary life coach may not be able to cause any real changes for their clients, other than helping them find direction in life and clarity (which is very valuable).
RSCI Life Coach will empower you much further in terms of being able to make CHANGE. We use a combination of the most efficient and life transforming techniques known to us, from the beginning of human psychology to the very latest in neural science.

Our job is to help clients overcome fear and self-doubt. We help clients set meaningful goals, so they can create a life on their own terms. We have a singular most important goal – to assist clients change their thinking patterns, replace old and non-serving habits for new ones, change limiting beliefs into positive ones, resolve internal conflicts, help them release the burdens of their past for good… It is personal transformation at its best.
, through

  • Removing the client away from the stories they tell themselves;
  • Helping them to disassociate with the reasons why they “can’t”;
  • Helping them set life strategies and look forward to achieving new goals;
  • Helping them eliminate fear and limiting beliefs so they can replace with empowering beliefs and attitudes.

RSCI coaches are well equipped well trained, resourceful and passionate coaches, we believe that using of guided conversations, combined with the most efficient and life transforming techniques of NLP and Ericksonian hypnotherapy helps a great deal in empowering individuals in reaching beyond any perceived limitations, some of the techniques we use are:

Elicitation of your Driving question | Rapport | Metaphors | Milton Model | Metaphors | Milton Model | Swish Pattern | Anchoring | Reframing | Parts Integration | Time Line Paradigm

Using such techniques, will help our clients to Breakthrough all barriers and blocks which are hindering their progress, and to guide them to live a joyful life while achieving their own set goals. After Eliminating fear, clearing past negative and unprocessed emotions and Drop heavy past life baggage off their shoulders, We create a coach inside each one of our clients to ensure an ever-lasting inner peace and continues success.

Quick Contact

Speak to me, define your requirements and discuss your problem!